The New Folk

A few months ago daniel flew to california to watch some bands play in the woods while he camped near an evil river and took pictures of young men and women with navajo rugs as clothes and drugs as thoughts and when the music and the circular dancing stopped he sat around a fire and asked people questions about God that he wrote down into a beautiful magazine that fader gave to the world yesterday.HereMariee Sioux Daytrotter

Sir Brohoss

I was sitting on my porch last night when I got a text message from a dear friend who we all call Sir Brohoss. A month ago he left Boston and, after spending some time at his folks' place in Chicago, is now driving out to start a new life in San Francisco. Looks as though he made an amazing pit stop that resulted in an even more amazing text:"Tahoe. Dark star concert. Totally dank"MP3: Grateful Dead - It Must Have Been The Roses