Western Tour, 1981

Thank you Piedmont Fossil for some truly amazing photos:

Mary and I took our pop-up camper and made a big loop through the western states of Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico before heading home by way of the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. My parents flew out to Denver and rode along with us as far as Santa Fe before flying home again.

Lights out tonight, trouble in the heartland.Got a head-on collision, smashin in my guts man.I'm caught in a crossfire that I don't understand.But theres one thing I know for sure girl:I dont give a damn for the same old played out scenesI dont give a damn for just the in-betweens.

Shall We Gather At The River?

Shall we gather at the river,Where bright angel feet have trod,With its crystal tide foreverFlowing by the throne of God?

Yes, we’ll gather at the river,The beautiful, the beautiful river;Gather with the saints at the riverThat flows by the throne of God.

Ere we reach the shining river,Lay we every burden down;Grace our spirits will deliver,And provide a robe and crown.Here.MP3: Willie Nelson - Whiskey RiverYoutube: "Too bad the guy's name wasn't Melvin or something, ya know?"