delaware river song

Gotta say that getting in a kayak or a tube or a canoe or a raft and gliding down the beautiful Delaware River is one fine way to spend a weekend afternoon.  Even if you get caught in one freaky-ass lightning storm.  Then you enjoy your afternoon from the bank of that beautiful Delaware River, and wait for the rainbows.  In any case, if the weather is clear and the water level is high, you can have yourself one chiiiiiiil afternoon.  The drive is short from NYC and Philly, there are plenty of places to rent some gear.  Best of all experience is not required.  It’s a smooth ride.

Oh, and don’t forget your Coozie and a sixer of Budweiser.

Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

American Journeys - Delaware Water Gap

MP3: William & Versey Smith - When that Great Ship Went Down